Wednesday, November 18, 2009

White Magazine and move to Atlanta

Hello, all! My apologies for the lack of updates, as I've spent the last week transitioning into a new location: Atlanta! I am now working by day as a creative designer and illustrator at a kids' and family marketing company. Of course, I will still be doing freelance work, maintaining my Etsy shop, and taking commissions. Above are three of my newer illustrations that were recently published in the Australian bridal publication, White. If you're down under, pick up a copy and have a look!

With Thanksgiving around the corner, I'd like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season! Atlanta has been a big adjustment, but I've already met some wonderful people, especially my new co-workers. To all of you in Savannah, I miss you all very much!!


Anonymous said...

yay! congrats on the new job, I hope you LOVE it! And super congrats on another published piece! woot woot! there's fun to be had in Atlanta, hope you find lots of it :)

Charla said...

Thanks, Heather! =) I'm really liking it so far. It's a big adjustment, but I think it will be a big step forward. But I will miss Savannah and everyone there very much!

Anna Cooper said...

Congratulations on the published work, the move, and the new job! I'm sure they'll be quite a bit of adjusting for a while, but I know you'll do well. :)

Charla said...

Thanks, Anna!!