Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"Sampling Savannah" plates

I'm excited to unveil my latest set of illustrations...these are a series of designs for plates (Savannah, GA-themed, obviously...well, at the very least, they're centered around things that remind me of this town)! I've created actual ceramic plates bearing the same illustrations, which I hope to add to the shop soon. I also have a few more concepts to expand upon these four images I've started with. In the meantime, I'll be offering prints! And, they'll be more work to come very soon! Happy Spring (thank goodness it's here)!!


Samantha said...

These will make very sweet plates. I've been a fan of your artwork for a while, I love the style. :)

Little Lovables said...

So cute! I really like the flower in the bottle print you have in a post below as well!

Charla said...

Thanks, ladies! You two are ultra-talented!

Marni said...

I love your work! It makes me smile. The plates will be a nice collection to have!

oriental banana said...

Oh, those are so cute! My fav is sweet tea. They'll make a very nice set of plates :)

Anonymous said...

beautiful artwork.